Magic symbols can be found all over the world. The earliest known grimoire, or magical text, was found in Mesopotamia and was dated between the 5th and 4th centuries BC. Some individual magical symbols date back as early as 10,000 BC. There are magical symbols in both Eastern and Western cultures. Magical symbols represent a force from nature that offers protection to those using them. They help people feel protected and strong when used against evil forces such as demons and evil eyes. People have used magic to help explain forces of nature they did not understand. Magical symbols were created to protect man from forces of nature he did not understand and protection in wars and other conflicts. These symbols can be worn as an amulet or talisman, drawn on paper, or carved into objects. People carry their magical symbols with them in order to stay out of harm’s way. Here are some common magical symbols.

Symbol of fertility, lifecycle, centring, development
Spirals are found all over nature. From shells to our DNA, the spiral is an intricate part of our planet. It is one of the earliest magical symbols in Mesopotamia, dating back to 10,000 BC. The spiral represents the beginning, the middle, and the end. It represents the life cycle and the desire to find our way to enlightenment. It is a powerful feminine magical symbol used by many cultures. Spirals on talismans help us to continue growing and strive for inner peace.

Symbol of peace, healing, love, devotion, joy.
The harp was one of the first musical instruments. Pythagoras made it on the island of Crete. Pythagoras found that the tones of the harp helped people heal. Music has the ability to heal the mind and body. It is a very powerful magical symbol. Music can stir people’s souls and has the ability to calm anger or create happiness in people. In ancient Crete, the harp was used in military marches. In Celtic cultures, the harp symbolizes the bridge of love between the earth and heaven. In Nordic cultures, the harp is a symbol of ascension. In the Bible, the harp symbolizes joy, love, and devotion. This strong symbol reminds people of the power of music and poetry to lift us and take us to different levels and times.

Witch’s Foot
Symbol of power
The witch’s foot is a three-lined symbol similar to a snowflake. The middle line represents below and above, while the other lines represent directions. Using this symbol lets a person get the power of heaven, earth, and the cardinal directions simultaneously. It can be used to travel between worlds or to summon a spirit. The witch’s foot symbol got its name from witches long ago who would alter their feet with this image. When they wanted to hold a secret meeting, they would walk without shoes and leave this symbol on their footprint for other witches to follow.

Owl of Wisdom
Symbol of inner knowledge, unmasking, wisdom
The Owl was associated with Athena in ancient Greece. Athena was the goddess of the night and wisdom. The owl helped Athena see the whole truth by revealing truths that were unseen to Athena. Some West African nations believe witches will have more powerful magic if they use certain pieces of an owl in their incantations. Celts believe that an owl has the ability to see into a human soul. They also believe that owl’s wings provide healing and comfort to those who see them out.

The owl can travel between earth and heaven and is considered a bridging spirit. They have keen eyesight and are at home in the darkness. An owl totem would bring the wearer wisdom and the ability to tell if someone is lying to them. It also provides inner knowledge to the wearer.
Symbol of vengeance, protection
Wormwood is a leafy plant found in Europe. It can be carried in a magic bag for protection against accidents, psychic attacks, and wandering spirits. Wormwood can be used to induce visions and send black magic. Wormwood can also be used to summon spirits if used with mugwort and in magic pertaining to love. If someone inhales wormwood smoke, they become psychic.

Some believe that wormwood grew in the path of the serpent that was banished from the Garden of Eden, so it is good protection against snake bites. If a person goes into a dark forest in Russia, they should take some wormwood with them to keep Rusalki, Russian water spirits away.
Wormwood can be used in smudge sticks, amulets, and incense to heighten psychic awareness, protect your home, and reverse negativity.
Witch Bells
Symbol of protection.
Witch bells are associated with the element of air. They are small bells used in casting. The witch bells are used to summon and signal spirits. They can also be used to banish spirits and demons that are unwanted. Passing witch bells over a cursed object can dispel the curse. The bells can also dispel extra energy. Witch bells can also be hung on the front door to avoid unwanted spirits.

Symbol of protection, good fortune, love, positive change, strength, and power.
Shells are associated with the water element and the moon. They are considered to be between worlds since they are found on the sand by the ocean. Seashells are associated with the goddess Aphrodite and are used in love spells. Since shells were used as currency in many cultures, they are also useful in money spells. Shells hung in a house or around a person’s neck provide protection. Seashells can also be used in divination.

Depending on the shell, they can be worn as an amulet to produce different results. Clam, oyster, and conch shells are good for love spells. Cone shells are used for protection. Scallops are used for travel spells. Cowries and tooth shells bring financial gain. Whelks will bring positive change. Limpets give power, courage, and strength. Screw shells, augers, and cerith shells are used for male fertility and ailments. Keyhole limpets are good for finding a way out of a situation. Tulip shells are used to find out fate and destiny. Tusk shells bring strength for battle.
Some witches write spells in the shells and then cast them by the sea. When the tide comes in, the shells are carried out into the water, and the spell is cast.
Symbol of healing, power, energy, moon
Wands are associated with the power of the person who is using them. They are associated with the air and fire elements. Wands bring about a transformation. Most wands are made out of wood, but some are made of metal or ivory. They are used to subtly and gently direct energy. Wands can be used to draw symbols on the ground and in the air. The wand itself can be used for healing, or it can be used to give a plant healing power.
Some people choose to inscribe runes onto their wands to bring extra energy. There are many different rune inscriptions, including Uruz, which bring about fulfillment, good fortune, and happiness. Raidho helps to clear a person’s mind and help them find the truth. Isa promotes inner strength, quiet, stillness, and peace. Sowelu provides guidance, change, and renewal. And the rune Dagaz promotes white light, love, awakening, and attraction.

Engravings are also used to promote power. Blackthorn is the preferred wood for wands, but Hazel, Oak, Birch, and Almond wood can also be used. Talisman and crystals help intensify the power of the wand. A wand is used only by one witch. They can send healing powers great distances with a wand.
Wands were left in tombs in Egypt in order for the souls of the departed to use them. Shamans have used wands in magical ceremonies. In the Bible, Moses had a hazel wand and the God Mercury was also depicted with a wand.
Wands are used for bestowing blessings, healing, charging objects, spell casting and drawing down the moon.
Witch circle
Symbol of completion, cycles, transformation, protection.
The witch circle represents the circle required to begin any ritual. It is a perfect circle. These circles can be drawn on the ground with salt, chalk, or a cord or in the air. There are elaborate circles and simple circles in magic texts. Sometimes it is depicted with a pentagram inside. The pentagram represents the elements, including spirit, air, earth, water, and fire. Pentangles have been used in Wiccan rituals as a symbol of protection.
The witch circle was used as a protective barrier when a spell was cast. In modern times it is believed that the witch circle helps concentrate energy. It is believed that a witch should trace over the circle three times from east to west. Circles can be marked with the four cardinal directions representing the elements, the archangels, and others.

In Wiccan traditions, the circles are usually about nine feet long and have different coloured candles each quarter. The north section has a green candle representing Earth. The south has a red candle representing Fire. The east candle is yellow for Air, and the west candle is blue for Water. Energy is raised in the circle with a cone of power. The energy will weaken if the circle is crossed or broken. The only break in the circle will be on the East side, where a door is created. Once the spell is done, the door is closed counter-clockwise. This closing is called releasing the circle.
Symbol of goddess, fertility, unity
The chalice represents the water element and the goddess in Wiccan rituals. It is used to offer a drink to the spirits and is used in certain rituals. Sometimes, the chalice is empty, and at other times, it can hold ale, water, or wine. It is traditionally silver and made of metal, although it can be made of any natural element, such as wood. The chalice is a symbol of the womb of the goddess. The rim and opening represent the energy coming in. The base represents the material world, and the stem connects man and spirit.

The chalice symbolizes unity when it is passed around the coven. This ritual is similar to the Christian communion, which features shared wine. The chalice is used in many Wiccan rituals, including the Great Rite, the Small Rite, and the cake and ale ceremony. In the Great Rite, the chalice is used with the wand to create a male-female bond.