A Symbol of death, birth, rebirth, wisdom, universal harmony, and connection.

The Endless Knot is one of the eight auspicious symbols in Buddhism. It is a pattern of intersecting lines and loops that never end. The eight auspicious symbols were gifts the Buddha received from the gods after enlightenment. In Jainism, the endless knot marks the twenty-four chests of the Tirthankaras or 24 Saints. In Jainism, the Endless Knot is also referred to as the Shrivatsa. This symbol dates back to 2500 BC in South Asia during the Bronze Age. The design of this symbol has no beginning or end.

The Endless Knot symbol represents the compassion and endless wisdom of the Buddha. It also represents birth, death, and rebirth. It also represents the eternal continuum of mind, the underlying reality of existence, universal harmony, and the mutual dependence of secularism and religion. The endless knot also symbolizes a connection binding people to their karmic destinies. It is also a sign to see opposing sides of things and to realize life’s dualities and interconnectedness.


Another similar Endless Knot is the Celtic Knot. The Celtic Knot has been around since the Roman Empire. This symbol represents loyalty, love, and friendship. Another Endless Knot is found in China. Chinese knotting has been around since 960 CE. The knots symbolize long life and are a good luck charm.

Tibetan Knot Jewelry

Symbols Menu:

» Amulet

» Ajna

» Arsenic

» Merkaba

» Hung

» bindi

» Khanda

» Halo

» jiahu

» Tau

» Uraeus

» Menorah

» Tilaka

» Taijitu

» Vajra

» Chai

» Chi Rho

» Bagua

» Dragon

» Ichthus

» Hedjet

» Lauburu

» Om

» Ankh

» Chalice

» Maat

» Ogham

» Mandala

» Kartika

» Khamsa

» Heart

» Labrys

» Raven

» Scarab

» Dove

» Hanukia

» Anubis

» Durga

» Mezuzah

» Geruda

» Kinnara

» Quito

» Condor

» Falcon

» Makara

» Rosary

» Uluru

» Apsaras

» Hanuman

» Serpent

» Mercury

» Apex

» Vestra

» Yoni

» Astarte

» dakini

» Rebis

» Typhon