Symbol of power and dominion.

Anubis is the Egyptian god of the dead. He was first mentioned in the Pyramid Texts of Ancient Egypt. Anubis is depicted as a young man with a jackal’s head. He is the god of mummification. One of the symbols of Anubis is a stylized jackal head. Jackals were found in graveyards, so the Egyptians portrayed Anubis with a jackal’s head.

Anubis guided people through the underworld and performed the weighing of the heart ritual. A person’s heart was weighed after he died, and if it was heavy with sin, the person could not enter the afterlife.

Another symbol of Anubis is an oval-like circle on top of a cross. This is the top of a was sceptre. This scepter symbolizes power and dominion and was carried by Anubis. The symbol can be found on tombs or coffins.


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